The more you understand about your customers and your market, the greater your advantage in achieving your business goals.

We give you the information you need to make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of your customers, potential customers, and the competitive landscape. We collect and analyze data from various sources, including first-party customer data, market research, and trusted third-party partners. Through valuable insights, you can develop effective marketing strategies, acquire the right customers, enhance the customer experience, and secure a competitive edge.


Your consumer data is a wellspring of opportunity for business growth — but only if you know how to leverage it.
Gaining a deep understanding of your customers and their behavior is key to increasing customer value and uncovering new prospects. With our data-driven approach, we use your own customer data, alongside robust third-party sources, to conduct comprehensive analyses and identify the key drivers of value.
  • Lifetime value analysis
  • Retention analysis
  • Segmentation
  • Target audience analysis


Your business history could unlock valuable insights into what lies ahead.

Predictive modeling empowers businesses to forecast future outcomes and make strategic decisions based on reliable data. By leveraging advanced statistical algorithms and machine-learning techniques, we analyze historical data patterns to generate accurate predictions about your customer behavior, market trends, and business performance.

  • Churn modeling
  • Lookalike modeling
  • Response modeling
  • Value forecasting
  • Propensity modeling


Where you are — and, more importantly, where your customers are — can have a big impact on your success.

Whether you’re evaluating locations or targeting customers in a specific area, our Market Analytics solutions can help you make smarter decisions with your location-based investments. Our analysis and modeling capabilities can identify opportunities for growth and enhance operational efficiency.

  • Drive-time analysis
  • Opportunity modeling
  • BDI/CDI (brand development index/category development index)
  • Competitive density analysis


How can you analyze data if you don’t have it? Quantitative research can fill your data gap and help address unanswered questions.
Through consumer surveys and advanced statistical analysis techniques, we enable businesses to effectively measure customer satisfaction, gauge market demand, and derive actionable insights to drive informed decision-making.
  • Awareness, attitudes, and usage (AAU) research
  • Market segmentation
  • Competitive market evaluation
  • Conjoint
  • MaxDiff
  • TURF analysis
  • Message and/or concept testing